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    Testing a miracle by means of tamper-proof containers

    - J. Soc. Psyc. Res., 61, 846 , 314 (1997) - Indice1 INTRODUCTION2 EXPERIMENTAL SUBJECT3 METHODOLOGY4 RESULTS5 CONCLUSIONS6 References and Notes INTRODUCTIONWhen testing psychic claimants, the need often arises to let the person take away some target material from the laboratory, in order to try to

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    Milky Miracles: the drinking statue

    - Chemistry in Britain 31 (12), 942 (1995) -   Statues of the Virgin Mary have just stopped weeping in Italy and now other prodigious icons are making headlines. In India and all over the world, statues of Hindi Gods are said to drink the milk offered to them by worshippers. As Sherlock Holmes

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    A suspicious weeping Madonna in Italy

    Last February, Italian media reported that a mass-produced 17-inch-tall statue of the Madonna had wept tears of blood. The attention given by the media to this case, which at the beginning appeared as one of the many that had been reported all over Italy during the last two years, grew rapidly and,

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    Sindone di Torino

    La Sindone è un lenzuolo di 4 metri e 36 per 1 metro e 11 che reca impressa un'impronta umana dalla tradizione attribuita a Gesù Cristo. Secondo alcuni il telo avrebbe avvolto il corpo di Gesù dopo la sua morte.Custodito nel Duomo di Torino dal 1578, si tratta forse dell'oggetto più studiato al

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    How to get blood from a stone

    - Chemistry in Britain, 31 (7), 534 (1995) -   In the first few months of this year, Italy has been inundated with peculiar 'miracles': a number of statues and icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary have reportedly wept tears of blood. The actual flow of tears has never been recorded, although many

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    Chemistry of Supernatural Compounds 2

    Among the religious relics still venerated by the Roman Catholic Church are remains of the blood of early saints. Some of these samples become liquefied from their usual clotted state on specific occasions, generally during religious ceremonies. The most celebrated of these miraculous relics is a vi

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    Faith or deception

    The faithful are seeking miracles and finding them -- they believe -- in unlikely forms and places. These include apparitions of the Virgin Mary (in the Bosnian village of Medjugorje, beginning in 1981), bleeding statues and crucifixes (Quebec, 1985), and the portrait of Mary seen in a splotch on a

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    Creazionismo, in senso stretto, è qualunque dottrina che si fondi sulla credenza in una divinità, o in un demiurgo, che con un proprio atto di volontà abbia dato origine al mondo. In questa accezione, non è necessariamente legato a una particolare religione, e potrebbe p

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